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Great Customer Service Is About Making It Easy for Customers

Great Customer Service Is About Making It Easy for Customers

What is good customer service? And how do we create the best conditions to deliver it? These are the questions we asked ourselves when we began working on Herodesk. We want to offer a solution that provides small and medium-sized businesses with a tool that establishes the foundation for good customer service. After that, the rest is up to you, but Herodesk gives you the tools to deliver a much better customer experience that your customers will love you for. Good customer service is about making it easy for the customer. In a world where customer expectations are high and time is a valuable resource, it’s crucial to have the right tools to deliver a seamless and efficient customer service experience. Herodesk is a helpdesk tool with built-in features, including live chat, designed to make it easier for you to communicate with customers—and just as importantly, to make it easier for customers to do business with you. Herodesk’s live chat feature is tailored for webshops. It allows your customers to get instant help and answers to their questions while they shop. This feature is a game-changer because it significantly shortens the distance between you and your customers. Instead of waiting for an email or phone call, your customers can get help immediately. This can be crucial in ensuring they complete their purchase and provide a more satisfying shopping experience. Imagine you are looking for a new bike tyre and browsing different webshops. You’re not entirely sure which one to choose, and at that moment, you’d like to ask someone with expertise in bicycles for help. A live chat feature would greatly influence which webshop you choose and whether or not you place an order. If you can contact the webshop and ask if the tyre fits your bike, the likelihood of purchasing increases. You choose the webshop with the live chat because they are available and offer help precisely when you need it most. This is an example you can relate to. It shows how easy it can be to be a customer on a webshop when the tools for good customer service are in place. The same example could easily apply to your webshop. Live chat is an excellent tool for delivering a much better user experience. You might only spend a moment responding, but in the end, it significantly impacts both you and the customer. Built-in Features Save You Time and Improve the User Experience As business owners, one of our primary goals is to use our time as efficiently as possible. There are many tasks associated with running a webshop, so we want tools that help us work smarter and more effectively. One of the tasks that takes the most time is customer service, which is why Herodesk offers many features that help you systematize and structure the numerous customer inquiries you receive in your inbox. With built-in tools to categorise and prioritise inquiries, your team can quickly identify the most urgent issues. This allows you to deliver targeted service, enhancing the customer experience and making it easy for customers to do business with you. One significant advantage of Herodesk is that all communication across channels is consolidated into one platform. Your team can manage emails, social media, and other communication channels from one central location. No one has to lie awake at night worrying that a customer inquiry was forgotten or overlooked during the week. Herodesk is not just a helpdesk tool but an integrated solution that elevates your customer service to a new level. By connecting Herodesk directly to your webshop, your team gains immediate access to customers’ order status and history, enabling faster and more efficient communication. This direct connection means you don’t have to search through multiple systems because your customer information and order history are all in one place. This makes it easier—and faster—for you to get back to your customers and answer their inquiries. However, Herodesk is also designed with user-friendliness in mind. The platform is intuitive and easy to navigate, so your team can quickly learn the system and deliver excellent customer service without a steep learning curve. This means you can focus on helping your customers and optimising your service rather than spending time on complex training. With Herodesk, you get an

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Sep 3, 2024
Herodesk is a Live Chat for Shopify Webshops

Herodesk is a Live Chat for Shopify Webshops

Live chats have become a staple of customer service, with more and more websites and webshops incorporating them. And why have they become so popular? It’s no mystery. These small pop-up live chats are highly effective for customer service and incredibly easy for customers to use. A live chat can quickly become a crucial communication channel for your team to deliver excellent customer service. It makes it easier to communicate with customers in real time. It brings you closer to your customers by allowing you to respond more quickly, directly, and efficiently to their questions—making it easier for them to do business with you. For several years, the E-commerce Analysis from the Danish Chamber of Commerce has shown that we choose to shop online because it’s easy. In physical stores, on the other hand, customers value personal service. But what if you could shop online and receive personal service? Herodesk has that solution for you. Direct Communication Between Webshop and Customer When you can offer your customers something extra, something they don’t get everywhere else, it can make the whole difference to their experience. Although live chats are no longer unfamiliar, not everyone has them, which can give you an advantage in customer competition. Many webshop owners are constantly looking for ways to improve the customer experience, which boosts sales, enhances customer service, and strengthens the brand. Communication between the webshop and the customer plays a crucial role in this. You’ve likely experienced it yourself: You visit a webshop to shop for outdoor gear but are unsure which tent to choose for your upcoming weekend trip. Questions pile up—you’re uncertain if the tent is big enough for everyone or if it has the right features. You want an answer quickly because you want to place an order today. But where do you get that answer? This is where a live chat function can be the fastest way to get a response. The live chat is easily accessible for the customer. It feels more manageable and efficient than sending an email to an inbox filled with other emails waiting for a response. By offering a live chat, you allow your customers to get answers to their questions while they shop, increasing the chances that they will complete their order. At Herodesk, we aim to strengthen and focus on this kind of customer service: good customer service that meets the customer’s needs while making it easy for you to handle customer inquiries. Live chat is a crucial tool that creates the best conditions for delivering excellent and satisfying customer service that your customers will remember you for. Herodesk’s Live Chat Solution Fits Your Shopify Webshop We’re in a time when the small things make a difference regarding webshops and online sales. Customer satisfaction has become a decisive factor before making a purchase. That’s why we often look at various platforms to see whether a webshop has received good or bad reviews from others. Customer service is key to getting ahead of the competition for good reviews, and a new communication tool can help you get there. That’s why at Herodesk, we offer a live chat solution that will enhance your customers’ experience and make it easier for you to provide more personalised service. Our live chat tool is specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with your Shopify webshop, allowing you to deliver online customer service in real-time. Shopify is the largest platform for webshops worldwide, and for good reason. It is incredibly popular because it offers everything webshop owners want, including user-friendliness, efficiency, and accessibility. Naturally, we also provide a live chat solution that supports this. Herodesk’s live chat gives you what you need to respond to your customers’ inquiries when they contact you. We continuously update our live chat with new, exciting improvements that further enhance communication between you and your customers. Benefits of Using Herodesk Live Chat on Your Shopify Webshop When you integrate Herodesk live chat with Shopify, you gain access to several benefits that can make a big difference for you and your customers. With Herodesk live chat, you can respond to customer inquiries in real time, which means your customers get the answers they need when they need them. This reduces wait times and improves their overall user experience. Direct communication and quick responses lead to higher customer satisfaction. Customers who feel valued and receive prompt help are more likely to return to your webshop and recommend it to others. Additionally, customers who get their questions answered quickly are more likely to complete a purchase. By offering live chat support, you can reduce the number of abandoned carts and increase your conversion rate. Herodesk’s live chat feature also allows you to provide a more personalised customer service experience. You can customise the chat window to match your Shopify webshop and brand, giving customers the feeling of receiving personal and individual attention, even when shopping online. Our live chat tool is designed to be user-friendly for your entire team. It allows you to handle multiple chats simultaneously and work more efficiently. You can also use predefined responses and keyboard shortcuts to communicate faster. Herodesk live chat is the perfect solution for responding to customer inquiries quickly and more efficiently. If you have a Shopify webshop, Herodesk is an excellent choice.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Aug 20, 2024
Creating an Account for Our Free Helpdesk and Live Chat Tool is Easy

Creating an Account for Our Free Helpdesk and Live Chat Tool is Easy

You can quickly enhance your communication with customers and partners by creating a free account with Herodesk! Herodesk Free is our free solution that provides you with everything you need to start a more organized and centralized customer service and communication with your customers. It has never been easier to improve your customer service. Often, it just requires having the right tool. With Herodesk, you get all the conditions to deliver a more satisfying customer experience. Herodesk is designed to be user-friendly and efficient so you can get started easily. With just three simple steps, you can access Herodesk’s many features and begin working more organized and centralized with your communication. Create a free account: Start by creating an account on Herodesk. It’s free, and you don’t need to enter your credit card information.Integrate with your business: Next, set up an email forwarder from your desired domain, e.g., customer_service@yourdomain.com, and connect with your business’s social media so all messages can be loaded into the system.Log in and get started: Log in to Herodesk, and you’re ready to go! You can respond to all your customer inquiries immediately. It’s that simple. Our free helpdesk solution is great for entrepreneurs, small startups, and small businesses. Almost all features are included in our free subscription, although some will be slightly limited. But you get everything you need to get started. Herodesk Free gives you access to: 1 user 1 inbox1 webshop integration2 channels5 quick replies Signatures Tags ReportsSee everything Herodesk does here With the many included features, you can deliver a much better customer experience with just one helpdesk tool. By consolidating all your communication in one place, you can ensure you never overlook a customer inquiry again, as all messages land in a unified inbox. This centralization lets you respond more quickly and efficiently to your customers’ questions and needs. Using various tags, you can easily organize your inbox according to different criteria, such as returns, suppliers, or live sales. This makes it easier for you and your team to prioritize and handle inquiries in a structured and efficient manner. With the free version of Herodesk, you can access built-in reports that give you an overview of your customer service efficiency. These reports provide insights into factors like efficiency, workload, and the quality of your customer service efforts. By analyzing this data, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your communication to meet your customers’ needs best. Overall, Herodesk provides an excellent tool focused on a more structured approach, helping you save time and resources. With Herodesk Plus, you get unlimited access to all helpdesk features If you need a more comprehensive helpdesk system with room for more users and the ability to create many different inboxes, then our free version might not be the right solution. That’s why we also offer Herodesk Plus, where you get unlimited access to everything Herodesk offers. You only pay 89 DKK per user per month with annual prepayment. Herodesk Plus gives you access to: Unlimited number of inboxesUnlimited number of channelsUnlimited number of widgets Unlimited number of quick replies Custom Widgets Signatures for each inbox Auto respondersAdvanced reports Push-notifikationer TagsRulesSmart foldersSmartphone App with Push notificationsSee everything that Herodesk does here Herodesk Plus is for those who don’t want to be limited and want to utilize Herodesk from day one fully. If you currently have Herodesk Free but want to upgrade to Herodesk Plus, you don’t need to worry about losing all your conversations, contacts, and settings. Everything will carry over when you choose to upgrade your subscription. With Herodesk Plus, you get everything once you have a paying user. You can easily add more users as your needs grow. Herodesk is the right solution for those looking for a helpdesk and live-chat tool that consolidates all communication in one place. With Herodesk Free, you are up and running completely free and ready to deliver even better customer service to your many customers. With our helpdesk and live-chat tool, you can start examining your customer service for free and ensure that you are always one step ahead. All messages are seen, read, and answered with just one tool. It’s both easy and simple for you to handle all the inquiries that come in during the week, and you can be sure that customers are not left with unanswered messages. Choose the solution that suits you and your business, and create a free or paid account on Herodesk today.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Jul 31, 2024
Herodesk strengthens your customer service - suitable for teams with multiple employees!

Herodesk strengthens your customer service - suitable for teams with multiple employees!

Avoid cluttered inboxes, unanswered emails, and lack of overview with our omnichannel helpdesk and live-chat tool. Communication and customer service go hand in hand, but they can quickly become messy affairs and difficult disciplines if you don’t have a great overview, the right tools, and some good guidelines. In many companies, customer service is handled by multiple employees, and when the daily rush hits, confusion over the inbox can arise quickly when several people share the responsibility. The message is opened, but has your colleague handled it? You can’t find any response, and your colleague has left for the day. The customer’s inquiry is important, so you need to answer it as quickly as possible. What do you do? This might be a challenge and a dilemma you and your team are already familiar with. And you are not alone. This is one of the major challenges in customer service because you lack a system that gathers your communication and makes it easier and more manageable to communicate with your customers on multiple channels. But what if we told you we could provide you with all this with just one tool? Herodesk gives you a customer service and communication system that addresses the unstructured shared inbox that often leaves frustrated customers without answers to their questions. With Herodesk, all your customers’ inquiries across channels are gathered in one place: Herodesk. It is the perfect tool for those who want to streamline efforts and strengthen customer service. Avoid dissatisfied customers with the right customer service tool If you are used to a shared inbox in Outlook, it almost sounds too good to be true when we tell you you can gather all communication in one place. But you can do that with Herodesk, which gives you a really good system that makes handling your customer service significantly easier. In many companies, all incoming customer inquiries land in a single email inbox. This creates an overwhelming situation where important emails can easily be forgotten or overlooked. The lack of overview often results in dissatisfied customers who do not get answers to their questions and end up with a disappointing experience. It can be challenging to keep up with the many customer inquiries and questions that come in from different channels. Who is responsible for which channel? Have all inquiries been answered? These questions are familiar to many and make it difficult to give customers the best experience when they need help—whether it’s about a return or a purchase. Omnichannel customer service system for you and your team Herodesk is an omnichannel support tool that gives you a good overview of your communication and customer service. By omnichannel, we mean that we work together with all your channels. Whether your customers contact you via email, Messenger or Instagram, you can respond to the message on Herodesk. In addition, we also offer a live chat function, which is also available through our system. With live chat, you can write directly with your customers through your webshop in a personal, efficient, and structured way. When a message comes into an inbox on Herodesk, it can be assigned to the employee who is to handle it. Then, it will be visible in his/her “My Conversations,” where all conversations can be found. This way, it is clear who is responsible for which inquiry. For example, if a question about an order comes in, and you know that your colleague usually handles that area, you assign the inquiry to her, and she will handle it when it reaches her. With Herodesk Plus, you can also create multiple so-called “Shared Inboxes,” making it possible to group your customer conversations by specific categories. If you are part of an international company with customers in multiple countries, you can optimally organize conversations by country or city. If you have different teams, such as administration, store, and warehouse, conversations can easily be grouped by these departments. This way, you always know which department is involved. With Herodesk, you can design the structure exactly as it suits you and your team best, ensuring efficient and organized customer service. By choosing Herodesk, you create really good conditions for yourself and your team. You get a more structured approach to your general communication with customers and partners. Herodesk is an efficient and affordable solution, giving you a stronger foundation for delivering good customer service.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Jul 9, 2024
Helpdesk tool with integrations for Shopify, WooCommerce, and many other webshop systems

Helpdesk tool with integrations for Shopify, WooCommerce, and many other webshop systems

Do you know the feeling of finding a fantastic tool to improve your business and simplify your daily operations? And perhaps also the disappointment of discovering that the tool doesn’t work with your webshop system? It shouldn’t be that way. We believe working with systems that integrate with your platform should be much easier. Fortunately, Herodesk provides you with access to various integrations for webshop systems. When you integrate Herodesk with your webshop, you have customer data and order information in the same place where you communicate with your customers. This makes it easy for you to strengthen your customer service and streamline its handling. It quickly becomes too complicated when you must communicate with customers in one place and retrieve order information from another. This creates unnecessary hurdles for you in your daily operations, which we aim to eliminate. What integrations do we offer for our helpdesk tool? One of the most important elements of Herodesk is the integrations we offer. With the right integrations, you get even more out of our platform. Therefore, we continuously expand the number of integrations so that all webshops can use Herodesk with their current systems. Read more here about the integration options available to you. Shopify is one of the largest webshop platforms in the world, and it’s also one of the most popular. Therefore, you will also find a Shopify integration for Herodesk, which gives you even more options to communicate more precisely with your customers. With this integration, we ensure you have all your customer and order information at your fingertips daily. All information is easily accessible within our system. You might also be one of the many Danes with a webshop or website through DanDomain, which offers DanDomain Classic and DanDomain Webshop. Herodesk integrates with both systems, allowing you easy access to all the data you need when responding to customer inquiries. This could be customer information, order details, or shipping information. When you integrate Herodesk with DanDomain, you avoid long response times and resource-intensive customer service. If you use WordPress’s own webshop system, WooCommerce, Herodesk also offers an integration for you. You can easily and quickly integrate your WooCommerce webshop with our helpdesk tool and take the first step towards even stronger customer communication. With this integration, all your customers’ information and order details are transferred to Herodesk, making responding to their inquiries easier and more efficient. Additionally, we are proud to be the only helpdesk system offering plug-and-play integration with the Shoporama platform and built-in integration with Ideal.shop. With Herodesk, we aim to offer our users something extraordinary, enabling all webshops to deliver better customer service. We aim to strengthen the entire communicative effort from the webshop to the customer. As with the other integrations, we also create an effective interplay between communication and the customer’s order. Integrations between webshops and customer service increase efficiency Why is it important to have integrations that bring the customer’s information closer to the platform from which we send messages? It’s essential because responding to the many customer inquiries can quickly become very resource-intensive for the webshop owner or employee. Switching between multiple systems significantly extends response times and reduces efficiency. By gathering all relevant information in one place, you can respond to inquiries faster and more efficiently, improving productivity and the customer experience. When you integrate Herodesk with your webshop system, you quickly notice how many possibilities you can now access. We are continuously working to offer even more integrations, making it easier for you to be a business owner. If you are missing a specific integration with Herodesk, please contact us. Herodesk becomes an even better tool with your input, as our helpdesk system is developed to focus on your and your customers’ needs. We continuously optimize Herodesk with new features and improvements, giving you even more opportunities to provide customers with a great user experience.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Jun 25, 2024
Save Time and Resources on Customer Service with Our User-Friendly Omnichannel Helpdesk System

Save Time and Resources on Customer Service with Our User-Friendly Omnichannel Helpdesk System

Herodesk is an efficient omnichannel helpdesk and live-chat tool that centralizes your customer service and communication. It almost sounds too good to be true, but that’s the foundation of Helpdesk – making it easier to provide the world’s best customer service. Today, customers are present on multiple media and platforms and expect companies to be there, too. Some might say it’s almost a given. Social media like Instagram and Messenger, along with more traditional channels like email, live chat, and phone, are all important contact points where you must be present. This means your company must handle inquiries on many different platforms. If you’ve already tried navigating without a GPS through many inboxes, you know how challenging it can be to find the right route. It requires maintenance, time, hands – and, most importantly, an overview. When customers contact you and your company, they expect a quick and precise response. This is because it has become so easy to communicate with companies today through apps on mobile devices. If their inquiries aren’t answered quickly enough, it can result in a poor customer experience and potentially lost sales. It becomes even more complex when inquiries come from multiple channels, making it hard to track who is responsible for which inquiries and whether all customers have been answered. Additionally, some inquiries may be overlooked, harming your reputation and customer loyalty. An efficient omnichannel platform for your customer service Herodesk offers an efficient solution to these challenges with our omnichannel customer service platform. By centralizing all your communication channels in one system, you can ensure that no message is overlooked and that all customer inquiries are handled efficiently – and quickly. Our helpdesk tool supports integrations with popular communication channels such as Instagram, Messenger, Live Chat, and email, allowing you to communicate with your customers on their preferred platforms – all from one place—messages from Instagram, Messenger, Live Chat, and your email all land directly in Herodesk. There are many benefits to choosing a tool like Herodesk to help you manage your customer service. Our omnichannel solution provides you with: Centralized communication: All customer inquiries in one platform. Efficient responsibility distribution: Assign responsibility for a message to a specific employee. Faster response times: Greater overview leads to greater efficiency. Automation options: Auto Responder sends automatic replies to customers. Integrated follow-up: Automatically send customer satisfaction surveys. Rule setup: For example, if the subject line contains the word “return,” move the conversation to a special folder for that. Built-in features create structure and save time Herodesk offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution for organizing your customer service. When a customer first writes to you, they are automatically created as a new contact in Herodesk. All future messages from the customer, regardless of the channel they come from, are saved on a contact card. This creates a structured and easily accessible archive of all historical and ongoing conversations with the customer. To facilitate the organization of conversations, you can use tags. With tags, you can categorize conversations by relevant topics or themes. You can create as many tags as needed, and a conversation can be assigned multiple tags. This allows you to organize conversations more effectively in your daily operations and also enables you to filter and view statistics for conversations with specific tags. For example, you may want to divide your customers by language if you work internationally. Or perhaps you want to structure the inbox by new orders, returns, and questions. You should take advantage of Herodesk’s features to your benefit. Herodesk also offers an intuitive status function to help keep track of where each conversation stands. Each conversation can have one of three statuses: Pending, Open, or Closed. The ‘Pending’ status indicates that the customer is waiting for a response from you, while the ‘Open’ status indicates that you are waiting for a response from the customer. When a customer responds to an open conversation, the status automatically changes to ‘Pending’ to signal that the customer is again awaiting your response. Similarly, the status changes from ‘Closed’ to ‘Pending’ if a customer sends a reply in a previously closed conversation. With these features, you can fully utilize our omnichannel customer service tool, taking control of communication and delivering first-class customer service to all customers. The tool of the future in customer service It will only get harder to keep up with the many channels, apps, and systems your customers use to contact you. By choosing Herodesk as your customer service platform, you are well-equipped for future challenges. With our continuous updates and improvements to the system, we ensure that your company always has access to the latest tools and technologies in customer service. This means you can continue to deliver outstanding customer experiences, no matter how the communication landscape evolves. Outstanding and efficient customer service is crucial for any company’s success. By centralizing your communication channels and streamlining your processes with Herodesk’s omnichannel helpdesk tool, you can ensure that no customer inquiry is overlooked and that your customers always receive the best possible experience. Save time and resources, improve your customer service, and build stronger relationships with your customers with Herodesk.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Jun 18, 2024
Top 5 Customer Service Challenges for E-commerce Webshops - and How to Solve Them

Top 5 Customer Service Challenges for E-commerce Webshops - and How to Solve Them

1. Overview of Multiple Communication Channels Keeping track of the many customer inquiries and questions that flood one inbox after another is not always easy. Who is responsible for which channel? And have you replied to them all? This is a challenge that many can relate to, and it often clashes with the desire to give customers the best experience when they need help, for instance, with a product return or questions related to a purchase. Today, companies are present on multiple media and platforms to be where their customers are. But this requires maintenance, time, hands – and, not least, an overview. Herodesk offers you an omnichannel support solution where all your channels are centralized and gathered in one place. This includes Instagram, Messenger, Live Chat, and Email. You can communicate with your customers on all channels in one place – making it easier, faster, and more accessible. With our helpdesk tool, you and your team ensure that you never miss a customer inquiry again. 2. Distribution of Responsibilities Among Multiple Employees Customer service is distributed among several different employees in many companies, and challenges quickly arise when many emails and messages need to be answered. But how do you avoid confusion and ensure that all tasks are handled? Often, one email address receives all incoming customer inquiries, which then pile up in the inbox. This is both unmanageable and inefficient because it often leads to forgotten emails that remain unanswered. The overview was lacking, and a customer did not receive an answer to their questions, leaving them dissatisfied. Fortunately, a customer service tool now eliminates the unstructured inbox. With Herodesk, all customer inquiries across channels are gathered in one place, and you can then assign each inquiry to a specific employee. The inquiry can now be seen under his/her “My Conversations,” and there is no doubt about who is responsible for which inquiry. You can also create so-called “Shared Inboxes,” which allow you to group your conversations with customers within a given category. Perhaps you are part of an international company working with customers in several different countries, where it would be optimal to categorize them by country or language. It could also be that you have several different teams, such as sales, marketing, and administration, where it makes sense to group conversations accordingly. With Herodesk, you design it precisely to make sense for you and your team. 3. Slow Response Times Slow response processes are as frustrating for your customers as roadworks on a Monday morning. It just doesn’t work in practice, and it ruins the rest of the day. You are undoubtedly already familiar with this challenge, which you have tried several times to plan, structure, and streamline without success. And just like roadworks, sometimes you need a machine’s help. Herodesk offers Auto Responders, which automatically sends messages to customers when they enter the system. When a new conversation opens, you can set Herodesk to automatically send a message to the customer with information on when they can expect a response, if there is a holiday, or similar. Similarly, you can also send an automatic message when a conversation is closed. This could be with a customer satisfaction survey, for example. Many are actually bad at following up on whether their customers had a good experience or if they have feedback that can be used to optimize the customer experience in the future. When something is automated, we don’t forget it, and it provides much better customer service. Both now and in the future. Doesn’t that sound smart? We think so, too – and that’s why it’s also one of our most popular features. 4. Answering the Same Questions Every Day You open the inbox. You’ve seen the questions before, and now you have to answer them again. Although it’s entirely natural for customers to have the same questions that require the same answers, it quickly becomes time-consuming when you have to repeat yourself several times a week. Maybe you’ve thought: “Isn’t there an easier way to do this?” Yes, there is – and the answer is Herodesk. We’ve ensured a Quick Replies function. Here, you can predefine a text that can be quickly forwarded to the customer when the same question pops up in your inbox. With keyboard shortcuts to open our Quick Replies menu, answering your customers' questions has never been easier. Find the answer, insert it, and send the message. With a few clicks, the customer has received a satisfactory answer to their question, and you have more time to handle the more resource-intensive inquiries. You can create as many as you and your team need and choose who can access them. 5. Lack of System Integrations You log in and out of systems daily to tackle the many tasks of running the business. But one system after another doesn’t play on the same team, and you can’t collect your data, orders, communication, etc., anywhere. When we started Herodesk, this was one of the first bumps in the road we wanted to eliminate; it should be easier to work with systems and first-class customer service. Therefore, you will find integrations with the webshop systems Shopify, DanDomain (both the new and Classic), WooCommerce, Magento, Shoporama, ideal.shop, and PrestaShop. That way, you immediately get an overview of your customer and order information that you need for customer handling and service. In addition to webshop integrations, as mentioned earlier in this post, you can access integrations that gather communication from different channels, including Instagram, Messenger, Email, and Live Chat. Herodesk also gives you access to a SmartPack integration, where you can keep track of the status and tracking codes of all orders. Herodesk is continuously optimized with new features, initiatives, and, not least, new integration possibilities. More will be added continuously, giving you even more opportunities to maximize our helpdesk tool. By tackling these challenges, your webshop can deliver a better customer service experience that satisfies your customers, creates loyalty, and promotes growth.

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Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler
Jun 11, 2024