
Release notes

This page is updated approx. once per month and contains a break-down of everything we've released in the past month. If you want insigts in our roadmap and what we'll be working on in the future, sign up for our newsletter.

June, 2024

  • The "Send reply and go-to-next" has been updated to skip conversations that are assigned to another user or that another user currently has open
  • Added feature to allow users to change their profile picture (this will be shown in the Live chat widget)
  • Added customer comments to orders in DanDomain Classic + new feature to update order comment from the DanDomain Classic widget in Herodesk
  • Added feature to choose whether a live chat will be displayed on desktop only, mobile only or both
  • When someone replies to a story on FB/IG, it's now shown as part of the message in Herodesk
  • Make phone numbers inside messages click-able to call them when using the Herodesk app
  • Add a list of a contacts conversations to the conversation widget
  • Made it possible to create rules and smart folders based on the conversations channel or channel type
  • Applied a number of changes that makes Herodesk significantly faster
  • Show in the conversation list who is viewing a conversation
  • Updated conversation list to show the first words of the latest message in the list
  • Made it more clear what inbox you are working in
  • When hovering the subject of a conversation it will show in full length
  • Updated all editors to use new-line instead of paragraph for line breaks when hitting "Enter"

May, 2024

  • Introducing Live Chat
  • Show full conversation title on mobile devices by clicking on it
  • Added new "quick actions" to the conversation list and allowed to start new conversations without having to create a contact first
  • Added feature to delete a conversation
  • Added feature to get the right customer name from Shopify contact form emails
  • Updated "send, close and go to next" to stay in the same inbox and skip assigned conversations
  • Feature to change the order of conversations in the conversation list
  • Show channel icon in conversations list
  • Added conversation type to smart-folder rules and Rules
  • Added new Junk smart-folder
  • Added feature to block a contact (marking all future conversations as spam)
  • Made it possible to change the name of the "Operator"-user, that's used for auto responders, etc.

April, 2024

  • Released Rules for Herodesk
  • Released Herodesk App for iOS and Android
  • Ensure links in conversations are always opened in a new window
  • Added order deeplink for Shopify order lists
  • Fixed message field to the bottom of the screen
  • Added "forgot identifier"-feature to sign-in page
  • Added feature to enable or disable smart folders
  • Released a Danish translation of Herodesk

March, 2024

  • Give a warning if another agent is replying to the same conversation
  • Show real time if multiple agents are viewing the same conversation
  • If an imported e-mail is a new conversation, import the whole e-mail and don't "cut off" the message at the next reply in the thread
  • Feature to let you use the value of custom fields in smart folder rules
  • Added Custom Fields to contacts
  • Added phone number field to contacts
  • Added Instagram Verified and Follower-count to Contacts
  • New Magento 2 widget
  • When starting a new conversation, import the whole email instead of just newest message
  • Added new button to send message and assign the conversation to yourself

February, 2024

  • Quick search updated to look in all conversations and attachments
  • Feature to merge conversations
  • Use contact profile pictures from SoMe when available
  • Select all conversations in the conversation list
  • Add new contact during conversation contact change
  • Update that allows attaching multiple files to a message
  • Prestashop widget
  • Show Xpressen T&T code in the widget
  • Show return labelless code for Smartpack return orders
  • Smartpack WMS widget
  • Change contact of a conversation

January, 2024

  • Launched Reports module
  • Added auto-saving of draft messages
  • Added a new default smart folder for "My Drafts"
  • Added notification when new messages arrive (pling!)
  • Improved usability across all settings
  • Added conversation actions to the conversation list

December, 2023

  • New "Getting Started" guides
  • Added a new feature for Auto Responders for all channels
  • Added Side conversations
  • Improved conversation-list usability and load speed with "infinity load"

November, 2023

  • Facebook Messenger integration
  • Instagram Messenger integration
  • Introducing channels for multi-channel communication with customers
  • New widget for Ideal.shop
  • Added Smart Folders
  • Added feature to merge contacts
  • Added Tags for Contacts and Conversations
  • Added support for sending a copy of an invoice to a specific e-mail
  • Add support for emojies in Inbox-names

October, 2023

  • New widget for Shopify webshops
  • New widget for WooCommerce webshops
  • Group updates of conversations (e.g. "Mark as closed")
  • Improvement to support e-mails from various contact forms with correct sender/reply-to address
  • Support for signatures for each user
  • CC and BCC now does auto-linking of e-mail addresses among Contacts

September, 2023

  • New feature that lets you add people CC and BCC to messages sent via e-mail.
  • Full conversation history and attachments available for people added cc/bcc during an ongoing conversation.
  • New feature to set custom "sender name" for each inbox.
  • Create new contacts and initiate conversations from Herodesk
  • Quick replies for common questions
  • New widget for DanDomain Webshop & DanDomain Classic
  • New widget for Shoporama webshops

August, 2023

  • Hello, world! The very first release of Herodesk.