
Introducing Live Chat

Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler

May 31, 2024

Today, we are introducing a brand new channel for Herodesk: Live chat.

Introducing Live Chat With this update, we're bringing you a convenient way to connect with your customers. You can now create your own Live Chat and seamlessly add it to your website. This means your customers can write to you and chat directly with you, all through the new Live Chat feature.

When setting up a new Live chat for your website, you can customise:

  • The colors so it match your website
  • Welcome message
  • Opening hours
  • Expected reply time
  • Additional message to be sent if someone writes to you outside your opening hours
When a visitor sends a message to you via the Live chat, a new conversation is created in Herodesk and added to the “Pending”-list, along with your other email, Facebook and Instagram conversations.

Herodesk live chat

If the visitor writes to you for the first time, we’ll give them a random name in Herodesk. They can then choose to enter their name and e-mail address. If they do, they can choose to copy the chat conversation to e-mail so that when you reply from Herodesk, your message will be sent both to the visitor in the live chat and to their e-mail address. Regardless of how the contact replies, the reply will be added to the ongoing conversation.

This is smart if they are writing to you outside of your opening hours so that when you reply several hours later, the contact will also receive your reply via e-mail.

A visitor can create multiple conversations with you, and the live chat will remember who they are if they leave your website and come back later, so they can continue ongoing conversations.

You can create multiple live chats in your Herodesk and, for each, choose which inbox messages from visitors will be delivered to. This is smart if you have multiple websites or languages so that each widget can be customised accordingly.

Live chats are available for both Herodesk Free and Herodesk Plus customers.

Read more about the new Herodesk Live chat here.

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