
Introducing Channels and Facebook Messenger

Anders Eiler
Anders Eiler

Nov 20, 2023

This is one of those blogs that we’ve been looking forward to writing for weeks. Now, it’s finally here: Introducing Channels and Facebook Messenger!

Introducing Channels and Facebook Messenger This is one of those blogs that we’ve been looking forward to writing for weeks. Now, it’s finally here:

Introducing Channels and Facebook Messenger!

Let’s start with Channels.

Up until now, you’ve been able to communicate with your customers using E-mail. We consider E-mail a “channel”. A “channel” is a way that messages can be sent to or received from customers.

Because we’ve only supported e-mail up until now, the “Channels”-settings have been hidden in Herodesk. No need to make things more complicated than they have to be, right ?But with this update, you’ll now find a “Channels”-setting in your Herodesk settings from where you can manage the different channels that send and receive messages.

This is a huge step towards an important goal: To let you centralize all your customer support in Herodesk.

That leads us to the next thing we’re announcing today: Integration with Facebook Messenger!

You are now able to link your Facebook Page’s Messenger to Herodesk. This means that all messages your customers send to your Facebook Page’s Messenger will be received in Herodesk, and when you reply from Herodesk, the reply will be sent back to the customer on Facebook! ?

See how it works here:

We want Herodesk to be your central customer support hub, so we’ll be adding more channels in the future. No matter how your customer contacts you, you should be able to handle it from one place: Herodesk!

Up next are Instagram Messenger, WhatsApp, and Live Chat.

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