

Herodesk makes my day easier by consolidating all our communication channels into one platform.​

Freja Nielsen

What does your company do?

We are a Danish sports brand specializing in running apparel.

What is the goal of your company?

To become one of the world's best running brands.

Why did you choose Herodesk?

We chose Herodesk for several reasons. First and foremost, we wanted to consolidate all our customer inquiries from email, Facebook, and Instagram into one place to make customer service more efficient and manageable.

What is your favorite feature in Herodesk?

I can't choose just one favorite feature.

I appreciate the feature that allows us to set up rules to automatically sort irrelevant emails and spam into separate folders, helping us focus on what's important—our customers.

Another feature I really value is the integration with Shopify. It allows us to see all relevant customer details and previous orders directly in Herodesk, saving us time and ensuring we provide quick and accurate responses to customers.

How does Herodesk make your day easier?

Herodesk makes my day easier by consolidating all our communication channels into one platform, so we no longer need to switch between multiple systems. It saves us time and gives us a better overview of customer inquiries.

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